Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Deadlines coming up..

It is the 3rd of December, Christmas is getting closer, the flights back home for the break are booked and deadlines for uni work are SO SO close! There is a lot to do before my plane leaves for London on the 15th of December. 
Time schedule for the next two weeks:

Wednesday 4th: print and mount A2 sheets for design presentation
Friday 6th: present design proposal for the "James Croll Garden" in Perth. This is a design competition we have been working on since the start of term and this friday the jury up at the Royal Scottish Geographical Society in Perth will pick one of our designs that will become part of the garden at the Fair Maids House. 
Tuesday 10th: Review of this terms work. We all get 30 min with our tutors where we spend 10 mins presenting all the work we have done so far and then we have a 20 min discussion after. 
Wednesday 11th: Put the last exhibition in the TOPOI series up. This fifth show is called TOPOS, which means place. From what we have planned so far, it should be pretty good. 
Thursday 12th: Last day of reading group this term and we are ending it with a PechaKucha day. We have all chosen an artist who also writes as part of their practice and we all get 20 slides which runs for 20 seconds each and we have a presentation about our chosen artist. This should be an interesting and fun thing to do. Then after that is done, it is time for the last Creative Ecologies exhibition of the year, Topos which will open at 6pm in Tent Gallery. 

Bits and bobs of what I am working on:

The Croll Garden

The Topos exhibition

with a bit (quite a lot) of editing
some cardboard
a lasercutter
hopefully a pretty cool light installation representing "my place" (home)

The PechaKucha
This is the lady I'm going to talk about
Joyce Cutler Shaw

One of her many works

The Orkney Project

Kind of lost on this one...I have ideas, but I am still waiting for some e-mails with replies to my requests so I can't really do a lot until I have those. 

I am working on a book of inspiration which I am just kind of filling up as I go along and adding stuff to it whenever I come across something that I find interesting. So this is one of the things that are taking up a page

and here is another

and some research that has made it to a page

Well...this is what I am working on at the moment, more updates to come. 

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